“Dazzle” (verb) or “dazzling” (adjective) is a property of very bright and overwhelming light — the sort that takes your attention off every other distraction and has you gazing with awe. For us, Christ Jesus is that Light (John 8:12, 2 Corin. 4:3-4, Rev. 21:23) and it is all about Him!

In a world full of so much darkness, we live to reveal the knowledge of Christ to all men and ‘light them up’ with His revelation.

We do so by preaching and teaching to the end that men are saved and filled with the Holy Ghost, their needs are met via the power of God and they grow in the Gospel of His Grace.

This is the Dazzle mission. This is what God called us to do and we are convinced about the same. We envision ignorance and spiritual blindness dispelled and men in every part of the world full of the glorious light found in the knowledge of Christ.