We Believe

• In one God Who has manifested and revealed Himself to humanity in various forms, the culmination of which is found in Christ Jesus.
• That the Bible is God’s perfect, complete, inerrant Revelation of Himself to man. It can be trusted in all it reveals.
• That the wages of sin is death and God in Christ has taken that death on our behalf.
• That Jesus is FULLY GOD in the flesh, manifested in the Incarnation to deal with the sin problem.
• That salvation is FREELY GIVEN by God to all who put faith in Christ Jesus.
• In the Holy Spirit and His gifts as relevant in the Church, even for today.
• In reaching the unsaved through evangelism and discipleship as the Lord gave us commandment (Mark 16:15, Matthew 28:18-20)
• In God’s concern for the whole man (spirit, soul and body) and His desire to meet physical needs miraculously.